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Lake Ovid outing canceled.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:02 am
by Will Schultz
With the hot weather and water temps above 80 degrees the board believes that it's necessary to cancel the outing this Saturday July, 23rd at Lake Ovid.

We have spent 5 years educating anglers about proper release, it’s important that we lead by example. We should not hold outings during conditions that increase release mortality.

If you know someone that was planning to attend the outing please contact them as they may not have received this e-mail.

Below is an excerpt that should make us all think twice about fishing with water temps in the 80+ degree range.

"The report of Hartman (1995) suggested that poor handling combined with warm water temperatures had a devasting effect on the muskellunge of Minnesota's 520 acre Lake Calhoun. He reported the discovery of seven dead adult muskellunge during a record heat wave in the summer of 1995. All fish had hook injuries or other signs of being netted and mishandled. He reasoned that these fish represented 20% to 25% of the lake's population of adult muskellunge. "