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Wixom Muskies???...

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:27 pm
by Bryan Saenz
Hey All,

So, I know Musky have been planted in Wixom for a while now, and only heard of a few caught. my uncle caught 2 in his 6 years of living on the lake. First he got trolling for anything that would bite with a daredevil, good on red and white. In like 40 foot of water. Other one he got, along with some nice size pike ice fishing, yes he released all of them, he is like me, loves to fish, but allergic to any seafood. The one through the ice he got in a deep 30ft canal, it would be like the 3rd or 4th big canal on the titabawasee damn side. If you see a giant log cabin within the first few houses of entering the canal your in the correct one. Very deep throughout. Now I know where a lot of the 40ft + water on wixom is, because there isn't a hole lot of it. I have always done well for bass on wixom, my father fishes the top bass tourney's so I get dragged into my share of bass fishing too. But I have never even tried for musky on wixom, I have got a lot of pike from bass lures, but nothing huge, heck even got a fair number of walleye there too, but never a musky. So I see the Oct tourney is at wixom. I was just curious if wixom is that good yet? As good as Sanford's numbers? Wixom is a big expansive lake, lots of choice spots for musky, I would think majority would be suspended and trolling would be the ticket with so many "classic set up spots" that fish hovering about 15 ft deep in 40 ft of water may be the key?? Any insight would be cool if anyone has fished it for them, or has any info on where or how to go about wixom for the fish. Just curious, have a good one guys - Bryan